Adafruit_ImageReader exercises run on Raspberry Pi Pico to load images from SD Card, display on 320x240 IPS SPI ILI9341
It's Adafruit_ImageReader exercises run on Raspberry Pi Pico to load images from SD Card, and display on 320x240 IPS SPI ILI9341 Module using using Adafruit_ILI9341 library. Basically follow the page Adafruit GFX Graphics Library Loading Images For 320x240 IPS SPI ILI9341 part using Adafruit_ILI9341 library, refer: ~ Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040) + 3.2inch IPS SPI Module ILI9341 (using Adafruit_ILI9341 library) It will also install Adafruit GFX Graphics Library as dependence. This exercise run on Raspberry Pi Pico in Earle Philhower's Arduino core (Raspberry Pi Pico/RP2040). refer: ~ Install Earle Philhower Raspberry Pi Pico Arduino core . Currently Adafruit_ImageReader support uncompressed 24-bit color BMPs only, refer: ~ Convert image to 24-bit color BMPs using GIMP to prepare s1.bmp ~ s12.bmp, save in root directory of SD card. Install Adafruit_ImageReader and dependence in Arduino IDE Library Manager. Connection: ILI93...