
Showing posts from 2022

Xiao ESP32C3 (in arduino-esp32 framework) act as socket client, connect to HC-25 WiFi Module.

Last post show my first test HC-25 WiFi Module, with AT Command; act as AP, setup socket server . Here is my exercise using Xiao ESP32C3 (in arduino-esp32 framework) to implement the client side: act as STA, join HC-25 WiFi network, connect to HC-25 socket server, receive and echo back in upper case. Exercise code: XiaoESP32C3_TCPclient.ino /* A simple TCP client run on ESP32-C3, * connect socket server run on HC-25 as AP. * * Have to set WAP in HC-25 using AT command: * AT+WMODE=AP * AT+WAP=myHC-25,password * * is the socket server on HC-25 */ #include <WiFi.h> // AP of HC-25 const char *ssid = "myHC-25"; const char *password = "password"; // server IP and port const IPAddress serverIP(192,168,4,1); uint16_t serverPort = 8080; WiFiClient client; void setup() { delay(200); Serial.begin(115200); delay(200); Serial.println("\n\r- Socket Client run on Xiao ESP32C3 (arduino-esp32) -"); Serial.printl...

HC-25 WiFi Module

HC-25 WiFi IoT module supports TCP, UDP, HTTP, MQTT ~ Product Page : include various information about HC-25 WiFi Module include Specification, AT Command Set, and various Utilities (currently in Chinese) First test HC-25 WiFi Module, with AT Command, as Socket Server: Once setup as in the video, the HC-25 act as AP (with ssid/password = "myHC-25"/"password", and setup socket server at Following are exercises to implement client side in various platform to connect to the HC-25 socket server: ~  Xiao ESP32C3 (in arduino-esp32 framework) act as socket client, connect to HC-25 WiFi Module . ~ Raspberry Pi Pico W/MicroPython act as socket client, connect to HC-25 WiFi Module . ~ ESP32-S3/CircuitPython act as socket client, connect to HC-25 WiFi Module .

80x160 ST7735S SPI TFT with Raspberry Pi Pico W/CircuitPython 8 Beta 5

Display on 0.96" 80x160 (RGB) IPS with ST7735S SPI Driver with Raspberry Pi Pico W/CircuitPython 8.0.0 Beta 5 Prepare Libraries: Visit , download and extract Bundle for Version 8.x matching with your CircuitPython version. Libraries need: adafruit_display_shapes folder adafruit_display_text folder adafruit_st7735r.mpy adafruit_ticks.mpy Copy to CircuitPython device's /lib  Connection: ST7735 Raspberry Pi Pico W --------------------------- BLK 3V3 CS GP15 DC GP14 RES GP13 SDA GP11 SCL GP10 VCC 3V3 GND GND Exercise Code: modified from example """ Copy from CircuitPython Lib example """ # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ladyada for Adafruit Industries # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """ This test will initialize the display using displayio and draw a solid green background, a smaller...

0.96" 80x160 (RGB) IPS with ST7735S SPI Driver

0.96" 80x160 (RGB) IPS with ST7735S SPI Driver ~ Product page Exercise: ~  80x160 ST7735S SPI TFT with Raspberry Pi Pico W/CircuitPython 8 Beta 5 ~  Raspberry Pi Pico W/MicroPython x 0.96" 80x160 ST7735 SPI IPS

CircuitPython 8.0.0 Beta 5 released with one-line status bar

CircuitPython 8.0.0 Beta 5 released .  A one-line status bar added to displays connection status, last exception, and version on a terminal window title or on the top line of an attached display. It need Mu 1.2.0 or Thonny 4.0.x and later to suppress status bar information in the REPL output. Currently on Linux Mint 21, the Thonny available to be installed with apt is ver 3.3.14, not the most update 4.0.1. Refer last post " Install Thonny 4.0.1 on Linux Mint 21 ". Raspberry Pi Pico W with CircuitPython 8.0.0 Beta 5, work with Thonny 4.0.1. Work on Raspberry Pi Pico with CircuitPython 8.0.0 Beta 5, one-line status bar added on top of attached display ST7789.

Install Thonny 4.0.1 on Linux Mint 21

Currently, the Thonny available to be installed with apt is ver 3.3.14, not the most update 4.0.1. To install Thonny 4.0.1 Visit Thonny page: For Linux, download "thonny-4.0.1.bash", and make it runnable as program. Run in Terminal $ ./thonny-4.0.1.bash

ov2640 (Red board without MCLK) on Raspberry Pi Pico/CircuitPython (7 & 8 Beta)

Run on Raspberry Pi Pico/CircuitPython 7.3.3 , capture images from ov2640 cam module (without MCLK) , display on ST7789 TFT. Develop on Raspberry Pi OS. Prepare Libraries: Visit , download and extract library bundle match with your CircuitPython version. Libraries need: adafruit_st7789 and adafruit_ov2640, copy to CircuitPython device's /lib folder. Connection:      ST7789 SPI      +-------------- 3V3 | BLK GP1 | CS GP0 | DC GP4 | RES GP3 | SDA GP2 | SCL 3V3 | VCC GND | GND      +--------------      ov2640 (Red board without MCLK)      +-------------+ 3V3    | 3V3      GND | GND GP5 | VSYNC    SCL | GP17 * GP6 | HREF SDA | GP16 * GP7 | RST D0 | GP8 GP9 | D1      D2 | GP10 GP11 | D3      D4 | GP12 GP13 | D5      D6 | GP1...

my cam.modules: ov7670 & ov2640

ov7670:   ov2640: ov2640: Red board, without MCLK pin. remark: This ov2640 module have built-in 12M X'tal, so no MCLK pin in the header. Exercise: ~  ov2640 (Red board without MCLK) on Raspberry Pi Pico/CircuitPython (7 & 8 Beta)

Display on 240x320 ST7789 SPI IPS TFT using Raspberry Pi Pico/CircuitPython 7

Steps to prepare libraries and code to display on 2.0" 240x320 (RBG) IPS w/ ST7789V2 SPI driver using Raspberry Pi Pico /CircuitPython 7.3.3. Visit , download and extract library bundle match with your CircuitPython version. Copy adafruit_display_text folder and adafruit_st7789.mpy from /lib folder to CircuitPython device /lib folder. Copy from examples, name it Edit for st7789 display on Raspberry Pi Pico, include pins connection. # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ladyada for Adafruit Industries # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """ This test will initialize the display using displayio and draw a solid green background, a smaller purple rectangle, and some yellow text. """ import board import terminalio import displayio from adafruit_display_text import label from adafruit_st7789 import...

2 inch 240x320 ST7789 SPI IPS TFT

Product page: ~ ZHONGJINGYUAN 2.0" 240x320 (RBG) IPS w/ ST7789V2 SPI driver Exercise: ~  Display on 240x320 ST7789 SPI IPS TFT using Raspberry Pi Pico/CircuitPython 7 ~  ESP32-S3/CircuitPython 8 display on ST7789 SPI TFT ~  Play animated GIF in CircuitPython 8.1.0 Beta 0, run on ESP32-S3, display on ST7789 SPI TFT .

Espressif ESP8684-WROOM-04C/03 (ESP32-C2 Module)

ESP8684-WROOM-04C (ESP32-C2) ESP8684-WROOM-03 (ESP32-C2) - 32-bit RISC-V MCU & 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi & Bluetooth 5 (LE) Espressif ESP32-C2 Product Page: ~ ESP8684 Technical Reference Manual ~

Espressif ESP8685-WROOM-04 (ESP32-C3 Module)

ESP8685-WROOM-04 , ESP32-C3: 32-bit RISC-V MCU & 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi & Bluetooth 5 (LE) Module. Data sheet: ~

First power-up NodeMCU Ai-WB2-12F-Kit, test with Ai-Thinker Combo AT Command

For my NodeMCU Ai-WB2-12F-Kit , it's pre-loaded with Ai-Thinker Combo AT Command firmware, NOT the so called General AT Command Set. Locate the Ai-Thinker Combo AT Command Set: Currently, Combo AT Command Set is not listed in English version of Ai-WB2 Series Module page . Switch to Chinese version . Scroll download, click to open " Ai-WB2系列模组Combo-AT_V4.18版本指令集 (Ai-WB2 series module Combo-AT_V4.18 command set) ". In this video I try it using Arduino IDE's Serial Monitor.

Install Putty on Raspberry Pi OS

To install Putty on Raspberry Pi OS, enter the command: $ sudo apt install putty

Ai-Thinker Ai-WB2-12F and NodeMCU Ai-WB2-12F-Kit

Ai-WB2-12F is a Wi-Fi&BT module developed by Ai-Thinker Technology Co., LTD. The module is equipped with BL602 chip as the core processor and supports Wi-Fi 802.11b/ g/n protocol and BLE 5.0 protocol. The BL602 chip has a low-power 32-bit RISC CPU, 276KB RAM,and awealth of peripheral interfaces, including SDIO, SPI, UART, I2C, IR Remote, PWM,ADC, DAC, PIR and GPIO etc. It can be widely used in Internet of Things (IoT), mobile devices, wearable electronic devices, smart home and other fields. Ai-WB2-12F-Kit is a development board designed for Ai-WB2-12F modules. Pinouts: Ai-WB2-12F-Kit pinout Ai-WB2-12F pinout Product Page: ~  Ai-WB2-12F ~  Ai-WB2-12F-Kit Specification: ~  Ai-WB2-12F Specification ~  Ai-WB2-12F-Kit Specification more links: ~  Ai-WB2 Series Module ~ BL602 WIFI+BLE Module doc in Google Driver more: ~  First power-up NodeMCU Ai-WB2-12F-Kit, test with Ai-Thinker Combo AT Com...

Drive ILI9341 SPI TFT with Touch function on ESP32-S3 using TFT_eSPI library

Last post show how to Drive 320x240 ILI9341 SPI TFT using ESP32-S3 (NodeMCU ESP-S3-12K-Kit) using TFT_eSPI library, in Arduino Framework . Here show how to modify user setup file to include Touch function, and how to run calibration. Connection between NodeMCU ESP-S3-12K-Kit and ILI9341 SPI TFT with touch function Both TFT and Touch share the same SPI pins, but difference CS. Pins NodeMCU ESP-S3-12K-Kit 1 VCC 3V3 2 GND GND 3 CS 34 4 RESET 15 5 DC/RS 16 6 SDI(MOSI) 35 7 SCK 36 8 LED 3V3 9 SDO(MISO) 37 10 T_CLK 36 11 T_CS 19 12 T_DIN 35 13 T_DO 37 14 T_IRQ No connection Modify mySetup70b_ESP32_S3_ILI9341.h from last post to include touch function. // Setup for the ESP32 S3 with ILI9341 display // Note SPI DMA with ESP32 S3 is not currently supported #define USER_SETUP_ID 70 // See SetupX_Template.h for all options available #define ILI9341_DRIVER // Typical board default pins - change to match your board #define TFT_CS 34...

Drive 320x240 ILI9341 SPI TFT using ESP32-S3 (NodeMCU ESP-S3-12K-Kit) using TFT_eSPI library, in Arduino Framework.

Drive 2.4 inch 320x240 ILI9341 SPI TFT on Ai-Thinker NodeMCU ESP-S3-12K-Kit using TFT_eSPI library, in Arduino Framework. The steps same as in my former post " Drive ILI9341 (8-bit parallel) using ESP32-S3 (ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1) ", with custom user setup for SPI ILI9341 driver. The custom user setup I modify from is Setup70b_ESP32_S3_ILI9341.h (inside your local installed library folder or here ), copy it to the new created "TFT_eSPI_Setups" folder, rename as mySetup70b_ESP32_S3_ILI9341.h. For SPI connection, I follow the original assignment. For DC and RST pins, the original assigned pins (GPIO 7 and 6) are connected to LEDs in NodeMCU ESP-S3-12K-Kit (ref:  ESP-S3-12K-Kit Schematic ), so I re-assign to GPIO 16 and 15). mySetup70b_ESP32_S3_ILI9341.h // Setup for the ESP32 S3 with ILI9341 display // Note SPI DMA with ESP32 S3 is not currently supported #define USER_SETUP_ID 70 // See SetupX_Template.h for all options available #def...

Get ESP32S3 Dev Module chip info and predefined pins (arduino-esp32), tested on NodeMCU ESP-S3-12K-Kit

Exercise to get ESP32S3 Dev Module chip info and predefined pins (arduino-esp32), tested on NodeMCU ESP-S3-12K-Kit . ESP32S3_info_pins.ino #include <Esp.h> void setup() { delay(500); Serial.begin(115200); delay(500); Serial.println("\n\n=================================="); Serial.println("Get info and pre-defined pins in ESP32S3 Dev Module"); Serial.println("Tested on AI Thinker NodeMCU ESP-S3-12K-Kit:"); Serial.println("=================================="); Serial.printf("Chip Model: %s\n", ESP.getChipModel()); Serial.printf("Chip Revision: %d\n", ESP.getChipRevision()); Serial.printf("with %d core\n", ESP.getChipCores()); Serial.printf("Flash Chip Size : %d \n", ESP.getFlashChipSize()); Serial.printf("Flash Chip Speed : %d \n", ESP.getFlashChipSpeed()); esp_chip_info_t chip_info; esp_chip_info(&chip_info); Serial.printf("\nFeatures includ...

my dev.board - NodeMCU ESP-S3-12K-Kit

my dev.board - NodeMCU ESP-S3-12K-Kit ESP-S3-12K-Kit development board is a core development board designed byAi-Thinker for ESP-S3-12K module.This development board continues the classic design of the NodeMCU development board, leading all I/O to the sides of the pin, developers can connect peripherals according to their own needs.When using breadboard for development and debugging, the 2.54mm spacing pin header on both sides can make the operation more simple and convenient... ~ ref:  ESP-S3-12K-Kit specification (PDF) useful links: ~  ESP-S3-12K-Kit Schematic (PDF) ~  ESP-S3-12K module Specification (PDF)  Pin definition on bottom view: Exercise: ~  Get ESP32S3 Dev Module chip info and predefined pins (arduino-esp32), tested on NodeMCU ESP-S3-12K-Kit ~  Drive 320x240 ILI9341 SPI TFT using ESP32-S3 (NodeMCU ESP-S3-12K-Kit) using TFT_eSPI library, in Arduino Framework . ~ CameraWebServe: ESP32-S3 (arduino-esp32) + OV5640 camera modul...

Drive ILI9341 (8-bit parallel) using ESP32-S3 (ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1) in Arduino Framework

This post show how to driver 2.8" 320x240 ILI9341 TFT with 8-bit parallel interface using Espressif ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 , in Arduino framework, using TFT_eSPI library. Connection:  For my  2.8 inch 320x240 ili9341 TFT with 8/16BIT parallel interface , it's set in 16-bit data bus mode by default. To make it in 8-bit mode: Solder R4 with 0Ω resistor or short circuit directly, and disconnect R5. In 8-bit data bus mode, use DB8~DB15 data pin. Connection between Espressif ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 and 2.8" 320x240 ili9341 TFT in 8-bit parallel interface: ESP32-S3 GPIO |      | V           V +------------+ | CLK T_CS | | F_CS PEN | | MOSI MISO | | NC GND | GND GND | GND VDD | 3V3 3V3 | VDD BL | 3V3 | SDCS DB15 | 3 14 | DB14 DB13 | 8 13 | DB12 DB11 | 18 12 | DB10 DB9 | 17 11 | DB8 DB7 | | DB6 DB5 | | DB4 DB3 | | DB2 DB1 | | DB0 RST  ...

2.8 inch 320x240 ili9341 TFT with 8/16BIT parallel interface

2.8" 320x240 ili9341 TFT with 8/16BIT parallel interface: - 2.8-inch color screen, support 16BIT RGB 65K color display - 240x320 resolution for clear display - Support 8-bit/16-bit parallel bus selectable using resistor (the default is 16-bit) - Support for touch function - Support SD card function expansion product page ~ LCDWiKi:2.8inch 16BIT Module ILI9341 SKU:MRB2801 It's set 16 bit by default. To make it in 8-bit mode: Solder R4 with 0Ω resistor or short circuit directly, and disconnect R5. In 8-bit data bus mode, use DB8~DB15 data pin. Exercise: ~  Drive ILI9341 (8-bit parallel) using ESP32-S3 (ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1) in Arduino Framework ~  ILI9341 (8bit parallel bus) display on RP2040/CircuitPython ~  RP2040/CircuitPython 8.1.0 Beta 1, play animated GIF on 8 bit parallel bus ILI9341 .

BLE Remote Control between ESP32-S3/C3 using ArduinoBLE Library

It's examples modified from ArduinoBLE example to show how to implement BLE Remote Control between  Espressif ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 an AI Thinker NodeMCU ESP-C3-32S-Kit . In order to make it work on my dev.boards, we have to re-config the pin accordingly. Modified LED.ino, run on NodeMCU ESP-C3-32S-Kit. /* LED This example creates a Bluetooth® Low Energy peripheral with service that contains a characteristic to control an LED. The circuit: - Arduino MKR WiFi 1010, Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2 board, Arduino Nano 33 IoT, Arduino Nano 33 BLE, or Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense board. You can use a generic Bluetooth® Low Energy central app, like LightBlue (iOS and Android) or nRF Connect (Android), to interact with the services and characteristics created in this sketch. This example code is in the public domain. */ #include <ArduinoBLE.h> BLEService ledService("19B10000-E8F2-537E-4F6C-D104768A1214"); // Bluetooth® Low Energy LED Servi...