Drive 320x240 ILI9341 SPI TFT using ESP32-S3 (NodeMCU ESP-S3-12K-Kit) using TFT_eSPI library, in Arduino Framework.
2.4 inch 320x240 ILI9341 SPI TFT
Ai-Thinker NodeMCU ESP-S3-12K-Kit
using TFT_eSPI library, in Arduino Framework.
The steps same as in my former post "Drive ILI9341 (8-bit parallel) using ESP32-S3 (ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1)", with custom user setup for SPI ILI9341 driver.
The custom user
setup I modify from is Setup70b_ESP32_S3_ILI9341.h (inside your local
installed library folder or
here), copy it to the new created "TFT_eSPI_Setups" folder, rename as
For SPI connection, I follow the
original assignment.
For DC and RST pins, the original assigned
pins (GPIO 7 and 6) are connected to LEDs in NodeMCU ESP-S3-12K-Kit
(ref: ESP-S3-12K-Kit Schematic), so I re-assign to GPIO 16 and 15).
// Setup for the ESP32 S3 with ILI9341 display
// Note SPI DMA with ESP32 S3 is not currently supported
#define USER_SETUP_ID 70
// See SetupX_Template.h for all options available
#define ILI9341_DRIVER
// Typical board default pins - change to match your board
#define TFT_CS 34 // 10 or 34 (FSPI CS0)
#define TFT_MOSI 35 // 11 or 35 (FSPI D)
#define TFT_SCLK 36 // 12 or 36 (FSPI CLK)
#define TFT_MISO 37 // 13 or 37 (FSPI Q)
* in NodeMCU ESP-S3-12K-Kit, GPIO 6 and 7 are connected to LEDs,
* so re-allocate to GPIO 15 and 16.
// Use pins in range 0-31
#define TFT_DC 16 //7
#define TFT_RST 15 //6
//#define TOUCH_CS 16 // Optional for touch screen
#define LOAD_GLCD
#define LOAD_FONT2
#define LOAD_FONT4
#define LOAD_FONT6
#define LOAD_FONT7
#define LOAD_FONT8
#define LOAD_GFXFF
// FSPI port (SPI2) used unless following defined. HSPI port (SPI3) NOT TESTED YET
//#define USE_HSPI_PORT
//#define SPI_FREQUENCY 27000000
#define SPI_FREQUENCY 40000000 // Maximum for ILI9341
#define SPI_READ_FREQUENCY 6000000 // 6 MHz is the maximum SPI read speed for the ST7789V
#define SPI_TOUCH_FREQUENCY 2500000
Edit the User_Setup_Select.h file to point to the custom setup file.
//#include <User_Setup.h> // Default setup is root library folder
#include <../TFT_eSPI_Setups/mySetup70b_ESP32_S3_ILI9341.h>
Connection between NodeMCU ESP-S3-12K-Kit and ILI9341 SPI TFT
Pins NodeMCU ESP-S3-12K-Kit
1 VCC 3V3
3 CS 34
4 RESET 15
5 DC/RS 16
6 SDI(MOSI) 35
7 SCK 36
8 LED 3V3
10 T_CLK
11 T_CS
12 T_DIN
13 T_DO
14 T_IRQ
Compare with Drive ILI9341 (8-bit parallel) using ESP32-S3 (ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1)
ILI9341 8-bit parallel vs SPI on ESP32-S3, TST_eSPI Benchmark test
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