
Showing posts from August, 2024

Download Fritzing Parts for Seeed-Studio Hardware

To download Fritzing Parts (.fzbz) for Seeed-Studio Hardware, include XIAO Boards and Accessories, and others, visit: . Currently, 9 XIAO Boards are provided, include: - Seeed Studio XIAO RA4M1.fzpz - XIAO ESP32C3.fzpz - XIAO ESP32C6.fzpz - XIAO ESP32S3(Sense).fzpz - XIAO ESP32S3.fzpz - XIAO RP2040.fzpz - XIAO RP2350.fzpz - XIAO SAMD21(Seeeduino).fzpz - XIAO nRF52840(Sense).fzpz

UART (Serial1) communication between XIAO ESP32C3 and Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040), in Arduino framework.

This exercise show UART (Serial1) communication between XIAO ESP32C3 and Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040) , in Arduino framework. Connection:      Pico TX GP0 (pin 1) <-----> XIAO ESP32C3 RX GPIO20 (pin 8)      Pico RX GP1 (pin 2) <-----> XIAO ESP32C3 TX GPIO21 (pin 7)      Pico GND                        <-----> XIAO ESP32C3 GND Code: The main issue for this exercise is how to handle Serial1.begin() for XIAO ESP32C3. Ref: There is no Serial2 for XIAO ESP32 C3. Also If you need to use Serial1, you must define the pins; otherwise, it may not receive data. For XIAO ESP32 series, use Serial1 as follows:      Serial1.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, RX, TX); rp_SerialPassthrough_115200_8N1.ino /* UART/Serial1 exercise run on Raspberry Pi Pi...

Adafruit_GFX/ImageReader exercises to load bmp images from MicroSD and display on 240×320 ST7789 SPI TFT, run on Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32S3 Sense (Arduino Platform).

Previous exercise of Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32S3 Sense display on 2.4" TFT 240×320 ST7789V using Adafruit_ST7789 lib in Arduino framework . In this exercise, load and display images from expansion board MicroSD card. Connection between XIAO ESP32S3 Sense and 2.4" TFT 240×320 ST7789V,  refer to previous exercise . Remark about the card slot on XIAO ESP32S3 Sense expansion boards Refer to  File System and XIAO ESP32S3 Sense document, Card slot circuit design for expansion boards part : The GPIO assigned to microSD Card Slot's CS is GPIO21, and SCK/MISO/MOSI are assigned to GPIO7/8/9 (the hardware SPI). And it's also stated that "if you choose to use the microSD card function of the expansion board, you cannot also use the SPI function of the XIAO ESP32S3. You can turn on/off the microSD card function by connecting/cutting the pads of J3" . But in my exercise as shown in the video: - It's no hardware ...