Download Fritzing Parts for Seeed-Studio Hardware

To download Fritzing Parts (.fzbz) for Seeed-Studio Hardware, include XIAO Boards and Accessories, and others, visit:

Currently, 9 XIAO Boards are provided, include:
- Seeed Studio XIAO RA4M1.fzpz
- XIAO ESP32C3.fzpz
- XIAO ESP32C6.fzpz
- XIAO ESP32S3(Sense).fzpz
- XIAO ESP32S3.fzpz
- XIAO RP2040.fzpz
- XIAO RP2350.fzpz
- XIAO SAMD21(Seeeduino).fzpz
- XIAO nRF52840(Sense).fzpz


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