Upgrade Nano RP2040 Connect NINA-W102 module's firmware

This post show how to upgrade my Nano RP2040 Connect NINA-W102 module's firmware using Arduino Cloud IoT and using Arduino IDE 1.8.19. On Ubuntu MATE.

Upgrade Nano RP2040 Connect NINA-W102 module's firmware using Arduino Cloud IoT

At first, I follow the steps in official guide to Upgrading Nano RP2040 Connect NINA Firmware. I followed the option Arduino Cloud IoT suggested as it's the quickest and easiest method.

Before setup you device in Arduino Cloud IoT, you have to install Create Agent.

Visit https://create.arduino.cc/getting-started/plugin/welcome, follow the steps. To install the downloaded in Linux, run with sudo in terminal.
some like this:

sudo ./ArduinoCreateAgent-1.2.6-linux-x64.run

Navigating to create.arduino.cc/iot/devices. Here you will be prompted to sign in or sign up for an Arduino account for free.

Then set up your Arduino device.

The configuration wizard will guide in the steps. It includes updating the firmware. It's 1.4.5 after upgraded.

Upgrade Nano RP2040 Connect NINA-W102 module's firmware using Arduino IDE 1.8.19


After firmware updated using Arduino Cloud IoT, I check it using WiFiNINA library's CheckFirmwareVersion tool. And it's found that there is a newer version come with WiFiNINA library.

Then, I update the firmware again using Arduino IDE 1.8.19. (this method haven't been stated in above official guide) 


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