Setup Auto-mount Shared Folder in VirtualBox between Windows 11 Host OS and Linux Guest OS

This video show steps to setup Auto-mount Shared Folder in VirtualBox between Windows 11 Host OS and Linux Guest OS

To set up Shared Folder in VirtualBox, make sure Guest Additions is installed.

In VirtualBox control panel:
Select target guest OS (Linux Mint) and click Settings.
Select Shared Folders tab and click on "+" sign to add new shared folder.
Select folder to share, Enable Auto-mount, click OK to finish setup.

Start the guest OS (linux Mint). Try to access the shared folder in guest OS, but failed due to Permission denied.

The shared folder belong to vboxsf group. To grant permission to user to access the shared folder, add user to vboxsf group:

sudo usermod -G vboxsf -a <user>

Log out and log in.
Now you can access from both host Windows 11 and guest Linux.


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