2.4 inch TFT Module 240×320 ST7789V (GMT024-08-SPI8P VER 1.3)

 2.4 inch TFT Module 240×320 ST7789V, marked "GMT024-08-SPI8P VER 1.3".

	Pin assignment:

	1 GND
	2 VCC
	3 SCL
	4 SDA
	5 RST
	6 DC
	7 CS
	8 BL

Related exercise:
Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32S3 Sense display on 2.4" TFT 240×320 ST7789V using Adafruit_ST7789 lib in Arduino framework.
Adafruit_GFX/ImageReader exercises to load bmp images from MicroSD and display on 240×320 ST7789 SPI TFT, run on Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32S3 Sense (Arduino Platform).

On Raspberry Pi:
Face detection using Python/OpenCV on Raspberry Pi, display on ST7789 LCD using Luma.LCD.


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