Test "Waveshare 3.5inch Capacitive Touch LCD" on Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W
This video follow
Waveshare "3.5inch Capacitive Touch LCD" guide
working with Raspberry Pi in Python. To test Waveshare 3.5inch Capacitive Touch LCD (Embedded with ST7796S driver chip
and FT6336U capacitive touch control chip)
on Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W/Raspberry Pi OS (32 bit/bookworm) using Python.
Connect the LCD wires to Raspberry Pi:
Enable SPI and I2C using raspi-config.sudo raspi-config
Install libraries:In my test on 32-bit and 64-bit Raspberry Pi OS (bookworm), they were pre-installed, no need to install.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo apt-get install python3-pil
sudo apt-get install python3-numpy
sudo apt-get install python3-spidev
Download the demo (include libraries) from https://files.waveshare.com/wiki/3.5inch%20Capacitive%20Touch%20LCD/3.5inch_Capacitive_Touch_LCD_Demo_Pi.zip
wget https://files.waveshare.com/wiki/3.5inch%20Capacitive%20Touch%20LCD/3.5inch_Capacitive_Touch_LCD_Demo_Pi.zip
Extract to any folder you want.Then you can run the demo example
python 3.5inch_Capacitive_Touch_LCD.py
(Tested on Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W/32-bit Raspberry Pi OS (bookworm) and Raspberry
Pi 4/64-bit Raspberry Pi OS (bookworm))Next:
~ Python on Raspberry Pi to display images on ST7796S SPI LCD
~ Cartoonized images display on 320×480 ST7796 SPI LCD, using Python on Raspberry Pi 4B.
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