Install MicroPython ported packages using upip, with network connection (on ESP32-C3)

upip package manager can be used to install a distribution package on a MicroPython port with networking capabilities.

In ESP32 ports, we have to connect to WiFi network before run upip to install package. It's a simple script to connect WiFi network and return to REPL, such that you can run upip in REPL Shell.
Just a simple MicroPython script to connect to WiFi network,
such that you can return to REPL with network connected.

import network
import time

sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
if sta_if.isconnected():
sta_if.connect('ssid', 'password')

This video show how to connect to WiFi network and install micropython-pystone_lowmem package using upip, run on ESP32-C3/MicroPython v1.19.1.
(micropython-pystone_lowmem is a benchmark tool ported to MicroPython.)

Alternatively, you can install packages in Thonny Python IDE.


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