Install PlatformIO on Visual Studio Code to program ESP32-C6 in ESP-IDF.
It's a fresh new Linux Mint with
Visual Studio Code installed, no esptool or ESP-IDF installed. This video show steps to install PlatformIO
on Visual Studio Code, to program
It's quite straightforward, except that:
If fail in accessing USB port:
A fatal error occurred: Could not open /dev/ttyUSB0, the port doesn't exist.
Grant permission to user, enter the command in Terminal, log out and log in:
Edit platformio.ini to add the last three line about monitor_ setting:
It's quite straightforward, except that:
If following error reported while installing:
PlatformIO: can not find working Python 3.6+ Interpreter.
Click on Abort PlatformIO IDE Installation, and check available solutions:
Solution for Linux, install the following package and restart IDE.
PlatformIO: can not find working Python 3.6+ Interpreter.
Click on Abort PlatformIO IDE Installation, and check available solutions:
Solution for Linux, install the following package and restart IDE.
sudo apt-get install python3-venv
If fail in accessing USB port:
A fatal error occurred: Could not open /dev/ttyUSB0, the port doesn't exist.
Grant permission to user, enter the command in Terminal, log out and log in:
sudo usermod -a -G dialout <user>
Code:Edit platformio.ini to add the last three line about monitor_ setting:
platform = espressif32
board = esp32-c6-devkitc-1
framework = espidf
monitor_speed = 115200
monitor_dtr = 0
monitor_rts = 0
#include <stdio.h>
#include "esp_chip_info.h"
#include "esp_flash.h"
#include <freertos/FreeRTOS.h>
#include <freertos/task.h>
void app_main() {
printf("Hello ESP32-C6\n");
esp_chip_info_t chip_info;
uint32_t flash_size;
printf("%s with %d core(s).\n",
unsigned major_rev = chip_info.revision / 100;
unsigned minor_rev = chip_info.revision % 100;
printf("Silicon revision v%d.%d.\n", major_rev, minor_rev);
esp_flash_get_size(NULL, &flash_size);
printf("%ld MB %s flash\n", flash_size/(uint32_t)(1024*1024),
(chip_info.features & CHIP_FEATURE_EMB_FLASH) ? "embedded" : "external");
for(int i =0; i<=20; i++){
printf("\rHello %d", i);
printf("\n=== bye ======================\n");
is it worth ? last year ive tried but was tooo complicated... I hope with esp32 is easier to get it running.. thanks for the info