Hello CH32V307, flash & run GPIO_Toggle example on CH32V307V_EVT-R1, to blink LED and monitor USART.

This video show how to flash & run GPIO_Toggle example on WCH CH32V307V_EVT-R1 using MounRiver Studio, to blink LED and monitor USART.

Prepare CH32V307EVT evaluation board manual and reference routines

Visit: https://www.wch.cn/products/CH32V307.html to download CH32V307评估板说明及参考应用例程 (CH32V307EVT evaluation board manual and reference routines):CH32V307EVT.ZIP

Open GPIO_Toggle.wvproj with MounRiver Studio (under \CH32V307EVT\EVT\EXAM\GPIO\GPIO_Toggle folder), this example toggle PA0 and print something on USART.

Connect USB to CH32V307V_EVT-R1:

It's a built-in WCH-LinkE (same function as this one) on CH32V307V_EVT-R1, used for online debugging and downloading of WCH RISC-V MCU, and also for online debugging and downloading of ARM MCU with SWD/JTAG interface.

Connect USB to the USB port on the onboard WCH_LinkE of CH32V307V_EVT-R1.

Configure WCH_LinkE:

In MounRiver Studio, > Flash > Configuration.

You can switch WCH_LinkE between WCH-LinkRV and WCH-DAPLink mode.
To work with CH32V307, have to set WCH-LinkRV mode (BLUE LED OFF).

Build and Download code:

In MounRiver, 
> Project > Build All
> Flash > Download

To monitor the output of GPIO.
Connect a wire between PA0 on J6 to LED0 on J3, you can notice that the onboard LED0 is blink.

To monitor the USART output by printf():
> Window > Show View
> Other...
> Terminal > Terminal



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