1.54" IPS 240x240 with SPI ST7789 driver

It's 1.54" IPS 240x240 with SPI ST7789 driver, by JhongJingYuan

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CircuitPython Exercises:
ESP32-S3/CircuitPython 8 display on ST7789 SPI TFT
Play animated GIF in CircuitPython 8.1.0 Beta 0, run on ESP32-S3, display on ST7789 SPI TFT.
ESP32-S3/CircuitPython act as socket client, connect to HC-25 WiFi Module.

MicroPython Exercises:
Raspberry Pi Pico 2/MicroPython display on 1.54" 240x240 ST7789 SPI IPS
Raspberry Pi Pico 2/MicroPython read bmp images and draw on ST7789 display pixel-by-pixel
Raspberry Pi Pico 2/MicroPython display bmp images on 240x240 ST7789 SPI Display

CircuitPython Exercises:
Raspberry Pi Pico 2/CircuitPython 9 display on 1.54" 240x240 ST7789 SPI IPS
Raspberry Pi Pico 2/CircuitPython 9 display bmp on ST7789 LCD using adafruit_imageload/adafruit_slideshow
displayio.OnDiskBitmap on Pico 2 W/CircuitPython 9
Pico 2 W/CircuitPython download bmp via WiFi, and display using OnDiskBitmap

my DIY Pico Cam: Raspberry Pi Pico 2 + OV5640 camera sensor


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