Flash CircuitPython firmware to ESP32-S3/C3 using esptool on Windows 11

This video show steps to flash CircuitPython 8.0.5 to Espressif ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1, using esptool on Windows 11.

Software preparation for Windows 11:
- Install Python (and pip)
- Install esptool
- To recognize ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 UART port, install CP210x USB driver

Download CircuitPython firmware:
- visit https://circuitpython.org/downloads
- search ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1-N8R8, DOWNLOAD .BIN NOW

To flash firmware to ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1-N8R8:
- connect USB to the port marked "UART"

To erase flash:
esptool.py --chip esp32s3 --port <COM PORT> erase_flash

To flash firmware to ESP32-S3:
esptool.py --chip esp32s3 --port <COM PORT> write_flash -z 0x0 <firmware.bin>

Optionally, you can check the chip ID and flash:
esptool.py --chip auto --port <COM PORT> chip_id
esptool.py --chip auto --port <COM PORT> flash_id

To flash firmware to Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3:

Download CircuittPython firmware for Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3.

Connect USB to Xiao ESP32C3.

Reset in bootloader mode:
- Press and hold BOOT button
- Press and release RESET button
- Release BOOT button

Same commands listed above, just change esp32s3 to esp32c3.

To erase flash:
esptool.py --chip esp32c3 --port <COM PORT> erase_flash

To flash firmware to ESP32-S3:
esptool.py --chip esp32c3 --port <COM PORT> write_flash -z 0x0 <firmware.bin>


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