Program CH32V003 with WCH-LinkE using MounRiver Studio on Windows 11

This video show steps to install MounRiver Studio on Windows 11, include USB driver.
Create and build project in MounRiver Studio.
And download program to nanoCH32V003 with WCH-LinkE.

Connection between nanoCH32V003 and WCH-LinkE
CH32V003    WCH-LinkE
3V3	    3V3
Download, install and run MounStudio for Windows
It will update USB driver automatically.

WCH-LinkE can be used to program RISV-V and ARM. To program CH32V003, it has to be set to WCH-LinkRV mode.

To query and set Target Mode between WCH-LinkRV and WCH-DAPLink:
Click on Download button on top menu bar > Configuration, follow the steps in the video.

- In WCH-LinkRV mode (for RISC-V)
  BLUE LED is off
- In WCH-DAPLink mode (for ARM)
  BLUE LED is on

If it's error of:
Read-Protect currently enabled. Click "Disable Read-Protect" button in "Download Configuration" then retry.
> Flash > Configuration or
Download button > Configuration

Click on the un-lock button
Disable Read-Protect

Then download again.

Test with GPIO_Toggle example

visit to download CH32V003EVT.ZIP.

Load the GPIO_Toggle example to MounRiver Studio.

Edit GPIO_Toggle/User/main.c, change Delay_Ms(250) to other value to check the result.
(as shown in the video.

CH32V003 UART example
