Install esptool on Windows 11

esptool is a Python-based, open-source, platform-independent utility to communicate with the ROM bootloader in Espressif chips; such ESP32, ESP32-C3, ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3...

To install esptool, Python and pip is needed, read Install Python 3 and Thonny IDE 4 on Windows 11.

To install esptool:
pip install esptool

Once esptool is installed, you can update it with:
pip install esptool --upgrade

Flash CircuitPython firmware to ESP32-S3 using esptool on Windows 11
Flash CircuitPython 9 (Alpha 5) on ESP32-C6, and control on-board RGB LED (NeoPixel).
Flash ESP-AT firmware to XIAO ESP32C3


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